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HUGE PRICE REDUCTION £100 from £260 !!!! 💙 🌊 👽

This piece is absolutely INCREDIBLE! Aragonite Alien with beautiful silver blue flashy Moonstone eyes 💙🌕

Aragonite is believed by some to enhance patience, balance emotions, and promote spiritual growth. It is thought to help with grounding and centering, fostering a sense of stability and connection to the Earth. Additionally, aragonite is associated with transformation and positive energy, encouraging a harmonious environment. 💙

Moonstone is believed to heighten intuition and psychic abilities, offering insight and guidance. 🌙

It is thought to have a calming influence, helping to balance emotions and reduce stress. 🙏

This crystal is associated with new beginnings and is considered a talisman for personal growth and transformation. 👽

Postage available £100 reduced from £260

11x7.5cm approx 💙

Aragonite Alien Carving

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